
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Everything Depends on G-d

So strange how I end up learning the same lesson over and over again. And after I learn it real good I always end up being in real danger of forgetting it. Everything really only depends on G-d. Everything. Including me writing this right now and you reading it. the running of the computer or the very existence of the paper that this is printed on.  I get an inspiration to do something that I think should be a relatively simple thing to do. It ends up being way harder then I expected and then I am forced to scream out to G-d and all the Tzadikim that I know to help me. They help and then I get stuck again in the middle of my project. I scream out again. Get helped again and so on until in the end it all goes smooth and mission  is accomplished. then I think that I did the whole thing. But looking at all my success it is clear that the answer that I am looking for is always right in front of me, but it is always hidden from me, until it becomes clear and obvious, then I feel stupid for never seeing the answer before but then I realize that the reason that I didn't see it was because it was hidden from my mind by G-d because G-d did not want me to see the solution because G-d wanted me to pray. Once I pray hard enough then I get the insight that I was looking for. This lesson applies to all the areas of my life. Now the question remains, Why don't I pray more often and more harder. And the answer is that I don't know. But then again there are always higher and higher levels of prayer.

1 comment:

  1. I actually feel the same way about prayer. Why don't I? I tell myself today my focus is prayer, then I never pray as hard or as much as I want to.. Didn't rebbe nachman say to pick one thing to be stringent in, well I pick prayer, but it is so hard. the evil inclination fighting strongly against me.
